Water Meters
Getting a water meter installed can vary depending of the class of building and the size of the meter it requires. There are risk/hazard ratings depending of what class building it is and what plumbing fixtures will be used, for example factories, medical centers and surgery clinics, ect. These will have a different hazard rating than a domestic home; this information will need to be consulted with your plumber.
For your standard domestic water meter you will need to follow a much easier process. If requesting a meter upgrade or a new installation you will need to call the corresponding water authority such as South East Water, if in doubt call any of the water authority and they will lead you to the right one.

There are two types of meters available the Check Meter and The Remote Meter.
You will need to complete the application for check meter or remote water meter reading equipment.
This application is necessary for all existing multi and dual unit properties. Remote meters will be applicable should the location of the meter be located behind gates / fences or in a protected area.
If the property does not have an existing water connection point you must organise a street tapping with water the authority. Read and follow the information and instruction below.
Wet Tappings
The responsible Water Business representative performs the tapping. Plumbers are not permitted to carry out this work.
Not all water mains/aquaducts are capable of having a property service connection. The
selection of water main used for this purpose is to the discretion of the water business.
A fully completed Plumbing Application must be submitted to the Relevant Water Business
with applicable fees paid and consent given prior to any works being carried out.
For 20mm and 25mm connections, the water meter will be delivered by the Water Business on the day and at the time of the arranged tapping.
32mm and larger water meters are provided to the licensed plumber by the Water Business prior to or on the tapping day. The water meter may be delivered to the property site or to a predetermined location providing it is located within the respective Water Business' licensed boundary.
The water meter assembly including the containment backflow prevention device must be installed in accordance with these guidelines prior to the connection to the water main being carried out. Some large water meters may take longer to be supplied and therefore customers may need to allow a minimum of 10 days lead time when arranging for the water meters.
Water Meter Location – Positioned at right angles to the water main, above ground and within two metres of the title boundary that abuts to the water main.
The maximum length of property service pipe is 30m. If a longer connection is required an extension of the water reticulation will be necessary.
The property service pipe must be at right angles to the property

Dry Tappings for Drinking Water Supply (Residential Only)
The water meter assembly for 20mm Ø dry tappings is installed by the Water Business. Plumbers are not permitted to carry out this work.
A fully completed Plumbing Application must be submitted to the Relevant Water Business with applicable fees paid and consent given prior to any works being carried out.
A connection point is provided on the outlet side of the water meter assembly for the plumber to connect the internal water service pipe.
The location of the dry tapping can be obtained from the Relevant Water Business (a fee may apply).
In the event that the location of the water meter assembly requires moving by more than 600mm in either direction, the existing tapping is to be plugged at the water main and a new dry tapping provided. This work is to be carried out by the relevant Water Business (fees apply).
Water Meter Location – Positioned at right angles to the water main, above ground and within two metres of the title boundary that abutts to the water main.