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MCP created the FYI (For Your Information) page so our clients and consumers can have a place to refer to and ensure they have some helpful information they require prior commencing any plumbing works.

This page provides further information on the responsibility and duties of the relevant authorities, consumer and the plumber.
You will also find links that will take you to pages where you can find application forms and further information in relation to safety awareness, safe work practice and information in relation to regulations, requirements from authorities and support for consumers.
This information will help the consumer create a checklist of the things they need in order to avoid any conflict with plumbers or help make decisions prior to engaging any works.

FYI (For Your Information)

Installing a New Sewer

When doing below ground property sewer whether it’s an extension of an existing pipe or a new sewer installation, you must always fill out and lodge a complex plumbing application...

Getting a Gas Meter Installed

When doing a new gas installation and you are the consumer the first thing you must do, is decide which gas retailer you will use to provide you with gas....

Water Meters

Getting a water meter installed can vary depending of the class of building and the size of the meter it requires....

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What You Need To know

MCP believes that as a professional its our responsibility to make sure that the consumers and our clients are well educated when it comes to plumbing safety and the requirements. We believe its very important not just only for our clients but for people to understand what is safe work practice when it comes to gas and other types of plumbing works. 

Its crucial to know what the signs are that may lead to dangerous situations and what you must lookout for to avoid them.

This information will help you choose the right plumber and help you take the right steps before getting an appliance installed or make decisions whether you need to upgrade or renew any plumbing services to meet standards and avoid further damages.

Check the links supplied below for relevant information

Gas incidents are quite rare but do occur from time to time. To report gas leaks or other gas emergencies call the emergency number on your gas bill for assistance at any time.

On the following pages, ESV provides important information and tips to follow for maintaining and using gas appliances safely in the home

Energy Safe Victoria and the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) recommend that all gas water heaters, space heaters and central heaters be serviced at least every two years

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Natural gas and LP Gas are popular choices for home heating, water heating and cooking as well as for industry and commerce

As commercial catering appliances are used constantly, regular servicing is required to ensure they are performing efficiently and operating safely

Always use a licensed gasfitter for any installation, repairs or renovations involving gas work. This not only applies to jobs like installing hot water systems and heaters, but also where renovations might involve disconnection or relocation of gas appliances

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Building and renovation ideas to better prepare your home in a bushfire situation

Before starting a job requiring a Compliance Certificate, a licensed plumbing practitioner must provide the consumer with a document containing the following information about plumbing practitioners’ insurance

Before starting a job requiring a Compliance Certificate, a licensed plumbing practitioner must provide the consumer with a document containing the following information about plumbing practitioners’ insurance

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Greywater is the name given to wastewater from household appliances such as showers, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers. It does not include wastewater from toilets

In August 1998 the Victorian Government passed legislation, aimed at eliminating the risk of legionella bacteria forming in storage hot water services, whilst preventing scalding at hot water outlets used for bathing.

You need to be aware of product standards and regulations that govern the quality and installation of plumbing products in Victoria.

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Rainwater tanks can store water run-off from your roof for use around the home or garden. Installing a rainwater tank, together with other household water saving devices, can reduce your household water use by up to 25 per cent - saving you money on water bills and conserving potable water.

The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) is committed to developing and implementing sustainability initiatives targeting building design, construction and use. The VBA is working closely with the building industry to develop a common approach to progressively improving the sustainability of our built environment

Stormwater is rainwater that falls on the ground, paving, driveways or other hard surfaces within a property. It also includes overflows from tanks and roof guttering. This water can be captured and pumped back for use

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